10 ordspråk av Susan Cutter

Susan Cutter

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 Given the complexities of emergency management in this country, and the increasing professionalism of the community, it seems curious to me that we wouldn't appoint someone who comes out of that tradition.

 It sounds horrible, but it may not be that bad. The sad thing is that most of the damage has already been done.

 It would be a challenge, but I don't think it would be catastrophic.

 It's the new pork. Disaster declarations are a way you can pump federally mandated monies into communities without going through Congress.

 Natural systems are resilient and bounce back. The problem is when we try to control nature, rather than letting her do what she does.

 They give them money for gas masks but not for how are you going to mitigate for a natural disaster.

 We're not out of the woods yet. We're not even in the height of hurricane season.

 We've got to fix the system. We can't let this happen again.

 What concerns me, ... is sudden-onset events: such as earthquakes, tornadoes, chemical spills, nuclear power plant accidents and potential terrorist threats.

 you do find characteristically that there are a large number of industrial facilities located next to poor communities.

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