424 ordspråk av Tom Coughlin

Tom Coughlin

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 We needed to do some things to put us in a position to get some depth. We might not have wanted to do these things, but we had to. Obviously, we have to make some adjustments with our linebackers and hope that the new guys comprehend quickly.

 We needed to do these things to put ourselves in position where we had some depth for this game [Saturday at Oakland]. It forced us to make some decisions, whether we wanted to or not.

 We ran the ball last year on paper well, but some of the situation stuff wasn't as good, ... I think we need to be able to run the ball when we want to run the ball.

 We spend so much time with that combination. To assure Jay that Jeff will be the holder again...that's good for our football team.

 We use him a lot of different ways. His ability as an athlete to run and pressure the passer is allowing us to do that,

 We wanted to come out and play aggressively.

 We were very much aware of our two owners and their illnesses, ... We knew that this game was a very important game, that they both would be tuned in. And we wanted to make sure that they were smiling.

 We'll come back. We have to.

 We'll have a count in the back of our head about how many throws per day, but I don't see it as any build up. I mean, we've got to go. We have to get ready.

 We'll see. We tried a lot of combinations last night in the course of the game.

 We'll work with it week to week, ... We'll see how he progresses this week and move forward.

 We're a better football team than we showed at some points tonight. I know we can be better, but it's a great [starting point] to improve upon at 2-0.

 We're back to Square One on punt returns.

 We're better off keeping his nose out of there unless he absolutely has to make the play.

 We're confident he can perform the responsibilities that we are going to ask him to do, ... Maybe in another month we might add to that.

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