424 ordspråk av Tom Coughlin

Tom Coughlin

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 We're excited about this pick. It's truly a valuable pick.

 We're gathering information [on Peterson]. There are a lot of options available to us at this time. There's a possibility that it's something that may need to be watched over the next four to six weeks. We'll just have to look at the facts and make those decisions.

 We're going to look at it and tear it down every way we possibly can and learn from it and teach from it and then move forward, ... Hopefully, it is one game.

 We're headed in the right direction, but we're not where we want to be. We need the ball more, and we need to get the defense off the field.

 We're looking to win this coming weekend so that we (can) say we won the division.

 We're not going to please everyone and we know that. Sam Walton had said you shouldn't worry about what's written in the newspaper. You should focus on the customer. At the same time, we also need to tell our story better.

 We're playing for a divisional title Saturday and that is why our spirits are high.

 We're very fortunate to have Eli. We've pressed on through some difficult times his rookie year into this season. He's improved and gotten better as we've gone along here. We've gotten him great experience; experience under fire, obviously, and some very, very big games. And he's performed well.

 We're very much aware of our two owners and their illnesses, ... We knew they'd be tuned in, and we wanted to make sure there were smiles.

 We've got a lot of fight. I just said that to the team: 'There's a bunch of fighters in this room.' We never gave up the thought that we could win.

 We've got to have drives that don't falter out. That's one of the major things we talked about going into this game. It's a matter of consistency. I thought there was improvement in the passing game, but it's still not there.

 We've marked it as a key area of focus and concentration this season. It's important to build on that. The players have to be excited when we get in there and score touchdowns.

 We've taken the position to scour the best talent level available at all positions, and we'll continue to do that. Our position has never changed.

 Webster took snaps and was kind of ginger about it. He took a little bit in the beginning and then we held him. So, he has a ways to go.

 Well, he's done a good job the last few weeks and we just feel like he's earned the right to start.

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