463 ordspråk av Tom Daschle

Tom Daschle

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 So those two actions have apparently at least given us the impression (that the mail safety issue is being addressed. Again as I say, we can't really make any direct connection between any of these actions, but no new cases of illness have been reported,

 Some people say it will take another miracle for this Congress and administration to find a way to work together. As we begin this historic Congress, let us resolve that we will work in good faith with each other to do the people's business. That is our pledge from this side of the aisle,

 some very serious questions about the perception, the attitude of some on the other side when it comes to minorities. There is very little sensitivity.

 Somebody leaked it, obviously, with intent, I think, to do damage to Mr. Berger, and I think that's unfortunate,

 spend a lot of time attacking the attackers.

 successfully confront this challenge.

 take it or leave it.

 Taking the action that the president is being asked to do is the only way that I see that we're going to save the steel industry, ... I don't think [Bush] has any choice ... He's got to do it.

 Terrorists are operating all year long, and we need a budget that reflects our ability to deal with this terrorist threat all year long -- not some time next year but now, ... The threat is real, the alerts are being provided almost on a weekly basis. If there are causes for alerts, if there is sufficient concern for our safety, then there ought to be a commensurate commitment to that safety through additional investment in homeland security.

 That cozy, permissive relationship has to end, and he in large measure has orchestrated that over he last 18 months,

 That is probably the key factor in support of any tax measure, whether we have that $35 billion locked in or not,

 That report is now a month overdue, ... We don't yet know what the administration's official position is as a result of their unwillingness to share a report with us.

 That would be very counterproductive. That would not help. We would not get anything done that way, ... It would be nothing more than a political ploy.

 That would lift a great burden from the Senate,

 The air war is working,

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