463 ordspråk av Tom Daschle

Tom Daschle

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 There have been so many unexpected twists and turns in the proceedings and in these developments to date, that to count on that, even though I know their word is good, is more than we can accept,

 There is a bipartisan effort, a bipartisan willingness to provide assistance. ... We'll consult with the administration ... to try to meet some of that need in the coming days,

 There is a desire to keep talking and find a way around this impasse, ... I think the five people in the room all expressed a desire to keep talking, and that is what we're doing.

 There is a great deal of common ground here as we consider our priorities. I'm hopeful that we can work together to accomplish as much as possible in the short time that we have,

 There is absolutely no room for compromise on that tax cut,

 There is no doubt that if we have lost that much money in retirement accounts, we lost that much money in the stock market itself, we could lose similar amounts of money in projected surpluses.

 There is no effort being made on the part of any Republican, that I'm aware of, that would allow us to do something constructive on estate tax relief today, ... Clearly they're not interested in an accomplishment. They're not interested in reducing the estate taxes of people. They're interested in playing to their base.

 There is no erosion of that support, ... There is extraordinary belief that the vice president and Senator Lieberman have conducted themselves in a way that makes us very proud.

 There is still improvement that I think can be made and as long as I think that there is a chance that we could make additional improvements, I want to try to do that. I think it is too early to try to give up on making the effort,

 There isn't anybody who can think on his feet better than Dick Durbin, ... he will be in the unique role ... to be the voice of our caucus and certainly the voice of the Senate Democratic leadership.

 There really is no more important issue Congress should be working on this year, and in this time of unprecedented economic growth there is no reason why we shouldn't be,

 There was a sense I had from the very beginning that this was in part politically motivated, and they were going to maximize the timing to affect those who were having some doubt about this right before the election,

 There's a little bit of chutzpah in there, and a whole lot of ambition.

 There's a recognition of the extraordinary vulnerability we see economically with all the airlines,

 There's a right way and a wrong way to cut taxes. The Republican tax cuts reward the few, our tax cuts invest in the future,

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