(As to) those whom We gave the Book before it, they are believers in it. |
(But) they shall not be able to assist them, and they shall be a host brought up before them. |
(For) those who fear their Lord in secret and they are fearful of the hour. |
(It is only) a provision in this world, then to Us shall be their return; then We shall make them taste severe punishment because they disbelieved. |
(Musa) said: O Haroun! what prevented you, when you saw them going astray, / So that you did not follow me? Did you then disobey my order? / He said: O son of my mother! seize me not by my beard nor by my head; surely I was afraid lest you should say: You have caused a division among the children of Israel and not waited for my word. |
(Musa) said: Your appointment is the day of the Festival and let the people be gathered together in the early forenoon. |
(Other) faces on that day shall be happy, / Well-pleased because of their striving, / In a lofty garden, / Wherein you shall not hear vain talk. |
(Remember) the day when We will call every people with their Imam; then whoever is given his book in his right hand, these shall read their book; and they shall not be dealt with a whit unjustly. |
(Some) faces on that day shall be bright, / Looking to their Lord. |
(Some) say: (They are) three, the fourth of them being their dog; and (others) say: Five, the sixth of them being their dog, making conjectures at what is unknown; and (others yet) say: Seven, and the eighth of them is their dog. Say: My Lord best knows their number, none knows them but a few; therefore contend not in the matter of them but with an outward contention, and do not question concerning them any of them. |
(The warner) said: What! even if I bring to you a better guide than that on which you found your fathers? They said: Surely we are unbelievers in that with which you are sent. |
(They are) listeners of a lie, devourers of what is forbidden; therefore if they come to you, judge between them or turn aside from them, and if you turn aside from them, they shall not harm you in any way; and if you judge, judge between them with equity; surely Allah loves those who judge equitably. |
(This is a declaration of) immunity by Allah and His Apostle towards those of the idolaters with whom you made an agreement. |
(This is Our) course with regard to those of Our apostles whom We sent before you, and you shall not find a change in Our course. |
(This is) a chapter which We have revealed and made obligatory and in which We have revealed clear communications that you may be mindful. |