2827 ordspråk av quran


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 And most surely they were with Us, of the elect, the best.

 And most surely We are well able to make you see what We threaten them with.

 And most surely We bring to life and cause to die and We are the heirs.

 And most surely We will make what is on it bare ground without herbage.

 And most surely you invite them to a right way.

 And most surely you shall have a reward never to be cut off.

 And most surely your Lord is the Mighty, the Merciful.

 And Musa said: O my people! if you believe in Allah, then rely on Him (alone) if you submit (to Allah).

 And Musa said: Surely I take refuge with my Lord and-- your Lord from every proud one who does not believe in the day of reckoning.

 And neither would he enjoin you that you should take the angels and the prophets for lords; what! would he enjoin you with unbelief after you are Muslims? / And when Allah made a covenant through the prophets: Certainly what I have given you of Book and wisdom-- then an apostle comes to you verifying that which is with you, you must believe in him, and you must aid him. He said: Do you affirm and accept My compact in this (matter)? They said: We do affirm. He said: Then bear witness, and I (too) am of the bearers of witness with you.

 And never did We destroy a town but it had a term made known.

 And never offer prayer for any one of them who dies and do not stand by his grave; surely they disbelieve in Allah and His Apostle and they shall die in transgression.

 And no blame is on you if he would not purify himself / And as to him who comes to you striving hard, / And he fears, / From him will you divert yourself.

 And none are made to receive it but those who are patient, and none are made to receive it but those who have a mighty good fortune.

 And none is like Him.

Sidan 36 av 189
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