Not only is New York City the nation's melting pot, it is also the casserole, the chafing dish and the charcoal grill. |
Not only is this a savings, and a safety benefit, Alaska's dedication to this project has had an influence on the FAA. |
Ariel Sharon (1928-) |
Not only will it lead to a better understanding of this grouping but will enable marketers to target more effectively. |
Janet Reno (1938-) |
Nothing happened. Why not? Well, 2000 -- that's why not. Because they were prepared, knowing what happened in Florida, |
Nothing has had much of an impact on the flow of cocaine to the U.S., ... It appears to be fully a function of demand. |
Now is the time to [test PFOA] to assure that we don't get to levels in the environment where we would have a concern. |
Now that the Big Dig project is winding down, the T has to work hard to attract customers that may go back to driving. |
Now that we're seeing it in a place that straddles Europe and Asia, it's different. It's spread so far geographically. |
Now that we've stepped it up, it's a bigger rivalry now. It's actually competition now compared to what it used to be. |