For [customers] it means that they can shop for 'Linux applications' without having to worry about which vendor's [Linux distribution] it works with, |
For [customers] it means that they can shop for 'Linux applications' without having to worry about which vendor's [Linux distribution] it works with. |
For a crime like trespassing, there's typically a fine attached to that. So I pay my fine and I've paid my debt to society and now I'm 'legal' again. |
For Apple, because the PowerPC chip is not great in laptops [because of the amount of heat it generates], then Intel is a much more pragmatic choice, |
For Apple, because the PowerPC chip is not great in laptops [because of the amount of heat it generates], then Intel is a much more pragmatic choice. |
For far too long UK schools have had a lop-sided curriculum in which the accent has been on academic intelligence rather than emotional intelligence. |
For he looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven; / To make the weight for the winds; and he weigheth the waters by measure. |
For His sake, you assumed this body; see God always with you. God is pervading the water, the land and the sky; He sees all with His Glance of Grace. |
For Lincoln, it certainly allows them to diversify their earnings and maybe even grow a little bit more in some of the variable annuities businesses. |
For me personally, you're always competing when you step out on the field. Obviously, I made a lot of mistakes last year that I have to improve upon. |
For me to sit here and think that we're going to do a lot of the things that we were able to do with the Miami Dolphin defense is really unrealistic, |
For me, if they don't talk to me before the season starts, I won't talk to anybody then, ... I don't want to get distracted talking about a contract. |
For me, Monday night still is the big night for football in the NFL. It's the last football game of the week and it's a showcase for all the players. |