1686 proverbs

Proverbs med 265 bokstäver

 I don't really know what the design means, if it's only an idea or if it had any purpose in the beginning. Or somebody was trying to make a smiley face in the back. The shirt itself is actually nice. You don't sweat as much. Also, you don't feel the heat that much.

 I don't think I have to say much [to the team], to be honest. These guys are pretty good at that. They realize the magnitude of most games. Occasionally they need some help, but they'll be prepared to go. It's going to have to be an A-plus game for us to beat them.

 I don't think it's too early to lay that on him, ... He has the skill set to compete against the best in the world. To join figureheads like Perdita (Felicien) and Mark (Boswell) ... that would be fantastic. The more we have as Canadians, the better off we will be.

 I don't think the first three months represent an underlying trend, ... Right now it is the easy comparisons that are driving the results. Going forward, the economic picture will drive sales, particularly the jobs market and whether or not it continues to improve.

 I don't think we have that killer instinct mode. When we have teams down by 10, 15 we've got them on the ropes. We let them stay in the fight instead of knocking them out. We have to act like pit bulls. We have to keep swinging. We have to go for that killer punch.

 I don't think we should wait for a group of enthusiastic parents to come to us next time we want to create one of those models. I would like to see us collectively identify other models that will work for kids and place them in our other comprehensive high schools.

 I don't think you will see or have seen an economic coming together as big as this. This is really going to create in population terms, in GDP terms a currency block that is as big as the United States, if not bigger, and that really is a force to be reckoned with.

 I expect big things out of next year's group. Unfortunately, I won't be a part of it. Whoever gets it is going to get a fundamentally sound team and a team that wants to win. They are a good group of kids. They are going to do what they need to do to be successful.

 I feel a lot better about it than not being able to play on the weekend that's for sure. I've come back with a couple of solid rounds, so I feel pretty good. I'm just trying to hit good shots, work on my game a little bit so that I feel good about every part of it.

 I feel a lot better about Y2K [than in previous quarters]. I don't think we'll see any Y2K issues on the carrier side of the business. The enterprise side is a little more mixed. The larger corporations are in good shape. The smaller companies are a bit more mixed.

 I feel as though I'm starting to get really sharp as far as distance control and some of the areas I've been working on. I think those are going to be critical next week for a good performance at Augusta, especially given the changes and how difficult it's playing.

 I feel like I'm hitting the ball well. I feel like I'm moving well. I just want to keep getting through rounds. I don't really think I have the luxury of worrying about next week. I have to get there first. There's always upsets, as has been shown so far this week.

 I feel pretty good about having an experienced guy like John back there. He's been through some battles before, and we'll need him to lead us through some more battles when we start our season. I'm counting on John to do some good things for us and get us prepared.

 I felt I hit it well. If I could rate it (out of) 10, I would give it an eight. I actually had a bit of a smile on my face because I thought it was going (in). The last 10 or 15 yards, it lost some steam. I'm upset but, at the same time, I'm going to learn from it.

 I found this very disturbing, Let your challenger stand. You are popular but that is not the reason for my saying these issues. Principles are principles. They are never divided. Please to my young comrade Yoweri Museveni, let those who want to challenge you do so.

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