A lot of the players come up at the end of spring training and thank us for doing all this. |
A lot of the wholesale (jobs) increase is not just serving this area, but areas nationwide. |
A lot of them had never heard about squash before, and I was glad to educate them about it. |
A man can never hope to be more than he is if he is not first honest about what he isn’t. |
A man may fall many times, but he won't be a failure until he says that someone pushed him. |
a man of dignity, honor and integrity, who devoted his life to bringing peace to Sri Lanka. |
A man only becomes wise when he begins to calculate the approximate depth of his ignorance. |
A message prepared in the mind reaches a mind; a message prepared in a life reaches a life. |
A message prepared in the mind reaches a mind; a message prepared in a life reaches a life. |