Our love is like the misty rain that falls softly, but floods the river... |
Peace is costly but it is worth the expense |
Poverty is slavery (Somalia) |
Quarrels end, but words once spoken never die |
Rising early makes the road short. - Wolof proverb, Senegal |
Seeing is better than hearing |
Seeing is different than being told. |
Show me someone who doesn't dream about the future and I'll show you someone who doesn't know where they are going |
Singing "hallelujah" everywhere does not prove piety |
Sitting is being crippled |
Sorrow is like a precious treasure, shown only to friends |
Sorrow is like a precious treasure, shown only to friends |
Tears are best dried with your own hand |
Telling the future by looking at the past assumes that conditions remain constant. This is like driving a car by looking in the rearview mirror. |
That man's a fool whose sheep flees twice. - Oji proverb |