For the past few years it has been completely a seller's market. Now buyers are going to start to feel like they have some bargaining power because there are more choices available to them. |
For the past few years it has been completely a seller's market. Now buyers are going to start to feel like they have some bargaining power, because there are more choices available to them. |
I would counsel people not to think that the sky is falling. |
Investors are showing a little less enthusiasm and they're not as bullish as before. |
It will start to taper off a little bit. It will decrease, because there has been this tremendous push to get some major developments started there. Most of them are now underway. |
The boom is definitely subsiding. |
The whole county was averaging about 5,000 starts a year until 2002. But in the last 12 months it did 9,908. |
When home prices are so much higher than median incomes, it makes for an unhealthy economy. |