49 ordspråk av Chris Patten

Chris Patten

Chris Patten föddes den 12 Mai 1944
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 I'm not a starry-eyed optimist about human rights or other issues in North Korea,

 In a democracy everybody has a right to be represented, including the jerks.

 In democracy everyone has the right to be represented, even the jerks.

 In democracy everyone has the right to be represented, even the jerks.

 It's not particularly constructive to dredge up these debates and divisions of the past, ... On the contrary, it's necessary to bring the willing together, not divide them.

 Most worrying for me in China is the stoking up of nationalist sentiment as an alternative to, I think, moral fervor that used to accompany Communism. I hope that the Chinese authorities will be careful about that.

 Nobody, repeat nobody, that I've met from the major political parties in Colombo have raised any question or doubt about my visit at all.

 Of course, there were huge disagreements in the arguments of military intervention, ... There is no point at the moment on focusing on those disagreements.

 Only a state which is terrified of the truth resorts to sending men in masks into television and radio studios, ... Only a regime determined to try to cut Serbia off completely from the rest of Europe could conceive of behaving in this way.

 Politicians in Colombo recognize that they do have to work together in order to provide a common position for dealing with the (Tamil Tigers),

 She destroyed the Conservative party,

 the armed extremists will lose.

 The contract is we'll pray that Hong Kong will fly to the heavens, and you'll occasionally say a prayer for us,

 The new administration must be broad-based with a mandate to speak for a majority of the people of Afghanistan,

 The political situation is as hot as the temperature. I think frankly we are on a knife edge. There has to be some movement, I think, above all on the question of terrorism in order for us to see people pulling back from the brink. And that has to come soon.

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