49 ordspråk av Chris Patten

Chris Patten

Chris Patten föddes den 12 Mai 1944
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 the thrust of the plan.

 The White Ensign has just been lowered over this shore base, but the values that it has stood for will, I hope, remain in this place: respect for law and for person, trust, duty and service.

 the whole international community needs to stand together in the face of new threats to our shared values.

 There is a sort of exotic preposterousness about a lot of elections, the way arguments are made even cruder.

 There is a sort of exotic preposterousness about a lot of elections, the way arguments are made even cruder.

 This is an act of war by madmen.

 Throwing young men out of work, throwing people into poverty and ending business life don't promote stability in the Palestinian territories,

 time scales in that sort of way.

 We are profoundly disappointed that Zimbabwe's parliament has passed this law, which represents a fundamental attack on media freedom,

 We do think the appalling economic circumstances in the West Bank and Gaza, that the economic blockade by Israel, that the non-payment of revenues by Israel to the Palestinian Authority, that these things make the security situation worse,

 We have our own system, ... and journalists in our system are not put in prison for embarrassing the government by revealing things the government might not wish to have revealed. The important thing is that our system, under which journalists can write without fear or favor, should continue.

 We have to come away from Nice able to look the candidates for membership in the eye

 We must dig deep in our pockets to make sure Pakistan isn't destabilized by the humanitarian crisis that may be about to engulf the country,

 We want to know that if we are investing money in Macedonia, it is being spent to ensure Macedonia's stability and prosperity,

 We want to know that if we are investing money in Macedonia, it is being spent to ensure Macedonia's stability and prosperity.

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