They are usually denominated labor-saving machines, but it would be more just to call them labor-doing machines |
This is a Senate of equals, of men of individual honor and personal character, and of absolute independence. We know no masters, we acknowledge no dictators. This is a hall for mutual consultation and discussion; not an arena for the exhibition of champions. |
Those who do not look upon themselves as a link connecting the past with the future do not perform their duty to the world. |
We are all agents of the same supreme power, the people |
We have been taught to regard a representative of the people as a sentinel on the watch-tower of liberty |
What a man does for others, not what they do for him, gives him immortality |
What can we do with the western coast, a coast of 3,000 miles, rockbound cheerless, uninviting, and not a harbor on it? What use have we for such a country? I will never vote one cent from the public treasury to place the Pacific Ocean one inch neare |
Whatever government is not a government of laws, is a despotism, let it be called what it may |
Whatever makes men good Christians, makes them good citizens |
When the spotless ermine of the judicial robe fell on John Jay, it touched nothing less spotless than itself |
When tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers, therefore, are the founders of human civilization. |
Wisdom begins at the end. |