A lot of those older guys abused us. |
Dick was one of the best. That was his genius. You can't win without those people. |
Don't try to hide anything. |
Even though we're really concerned about money, even though we've been cut by Medicare, we still need to continue operations. |
In some ways, the sales tax is fairer. A retired person living on a fixed salary, their property tax appreciates while they don't spend much on sales tax. |
Property tax is not a good way to collect the ambulance tax because the people that use it are not just the ones that own property, they're also the ones that shop here, live here work here [and] go to school here. |
The other step would be just to start reducing the ambulance staff, even the full-time staff and then cutting down even further the availability and the response time. |
There are some things they've asked us to do as part of the new cardiac specialty care that we can't do because we don't have the equipment. |
There is no money in the budget and the district cannot afford this action. The district, likewise cannot afford to loose any more paramedics or continue staffing with overtime. |
There seems to be a whole lot of life at Twin Pines. |
These are maintenance expenses, just like changing the oil on the car. You've got to change the oil on the car, you've got to change the mattresses, you've got to replace the carpet. |
We truly are on the horns of a dilemma. If we don't raise pay, if we don't keep up, if we don't play with this price war that we're currently having for medics, then we will loose the good staff that we have now. |
We're going to keep answering calls, we're going to still provide care to the citizens of Adair County. Whether the tax passes or not, we're going to still offer the best quality care that we can afford. |
We're operating on a shoestring. |