31 ordspråk av Ian Gunner

Ian Gunner

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 I don't think it changes anything too much, in terms of what he might do at the next meeting -- it's unclear but he's very much in the minority.

 I don't think the Fed are going to signal any kind of pause in rate increases next week. There's no reason the dollar can't continue to benefit from the rate advantage.

 I think there's a whole wealth of information suggesting that things are on the mend... I don't think this is really going to disturb market consensus that the German economy will continue throughout the course of this year.

 If people are looking for excuses as to why the European Central Bank may feel their hands are a little tied in the short-term (on rates) they could use this, but I think there's a whole wealth of information suggesting that things are on the mend.

 It's a bit dangerous to be aggressively selling the dollar at the moment. If we're still getting strong economic data it's not clear that U.S. rate increases are going to stop as soon as people think.

 It's the first key Fed speech since the scale of the devastation became apparent so that could be quite important if he is used as a vehicle to express Fed policy.

 Japan doesn't like what is happening but they realize they are fighting a broad-based dollar decline.

 People are confused about the United States' stance on the dollar, ... Until there is a deliberate shift in U.S. policy, the dollar's downtrend could continue.

 People are confused about the United States' stance on the dollar. Until there is a deliberate shift in U.S. policy, the dollar's downtrend could continue.

 People are just uncertain (on U.S. rates) and that sort of uncertainty will make it very difficult to get real directional moves in euro/dollar.

 People want to buy Asia ahead of the G7 in case China does anything or there is a change of language, ... And if you want to buy Asia the yen is a liquid vehicle.

 People want to buy Asia ahead of the G7 in case China does anything or there is a change of language. And if you want to buy Asia the yen is a liquid vehicle.

 Sentiment is still dollar negative, and it will take some very decent equity news to turn this around. The market needs something to hang its hat on.

 The fact that he is saying 'moderately augment' would appear to suggest that this will be a 25bp rather than a 50bp hike and that future rate hikes may also be limited,

 The fact that he is saying 'moderately augment' would appear to suggest that this will be a 25bp rather than a 50bp hike and that future rate hikes may also be limited.

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