31 ordspråk av Ian Gunner

Ian Gunner

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 The French riots are also not helping the euro,

 The market is correcting Friday's move (after payrolls). People are looking toward Greenspan and waiting to see how the U.S. will react after Labor Day.

 The market is looking at U.S. data and thinking, 'Is this a slowdown or a pause?' It is very unclear,

 The market is looking at U.S. data and thinking, 'Is this a slowdown or a pause?' It is very unclear.

 The market will not be confident in attacking the dollar until there is a much greater degree of confidence in calling the peak on Fed funds.

 The U.S. rate argument is unequivocal. Rates are going to keep on going up for the time being.

 The uncertainty about the German election just tends to put people off buying euro/dollar,

 The uncertainty about the German election just tends to put people off buying euro/dollar.

 There is a good chance that the Fed won't raise rates on Sept. 20 but in doing so they are likely reaffirm that they will raise rates thereafter.

 There was a big knee-jerk reaction to the Moody's upgrade, but longer term, I don't think much has changed,

 There was a big knee-jerk reaction to the Moody's upgrade, but longer term, I don't think much has changed.

 There's a general upside bias for the dollar right across the board, but that inclination is tempered a little when you come up against big events like the trade data.

 There's uncertainty about the floating voter.

 We're consolidating Friday's sharp move lower. I wouldn't be surprised to see a bit of a pullback first. I wouldn't want to pile in until see $1.1759 level give away -- the low for 2004,

 We're consolidating Friday's sharp move lower. I wouldn't be surprised to see a bit of a pullback first. I wouldn't want to pile in until see $1.1759 level give away -- the low for 2004.

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