Haven't you heard the call from beyond, O beautiful soul-bride? You must go to your in-laws; you cannot stay with your parents forever. |
He alone is a Brahmin, who takes his cleansing bath in the spiritual wisdom of God, and whose leaf-offerings in worship are the Glorious Praises of the Lord |
He alone is at peace, and he alone is embellished forever, who meets with the Guru, and sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. |
He alone is awake, unto whom God shows His Mercy. This investment, wealth and property shall remain intact. |
He alone is in the mind; He alone is everywhere. |
He alone is known to be insane, when he goes insane with the Fear of God |
He alone knows everything, unto whom the Lord Himself gives knowledge. One may talk and preach and give sermons but still yearn after Maya. |
He alone meditates on the Lord of the World, whom the Lord has made His Own. He alone is a warrior, and he alone is the chosen one, upon whose forehead good destiny is recorded. |
He alone meditates on the Lord, unto whom He grants His Grace |
He bestowed the Blessing of His treasure of truth; only He Himself knows. |
He breaks our bonds, and inspires us to chant the Lord's Name. |
He came and he went, and now, even his name has died. After he left, food was offered on leaves, and the birds were called to come and eat. |
He cannot be understood by reading scriptures; the deceitful pretenders are deluded by doubt. |
He could raise dry land from the rivers, and turn the deserts into bottomless oceans. He could appoint a worm as king, and reduce an army to ashes. |
He created all, and He Himself watches over us. Some are close to Him, and some are far away. |