He created the Creative Power of the Universe, within which He dwells. |
He dedicates his mind and body to serving the Lord. How can we please the Lord? I fall at His Feet, and I renounce all sense of 'mine and yours'. Who can settle this bargain? |
He does not need to eat; His Hair is Wondrous and Beautiful; He is free of hate. Millions of people worship His Feet. |
He draws us to His Touchstone, to test our love and consciousness. The counterfeit have no place there, but the genuine are placed in His Treasury. |
He has been described, but He cannot be described at all. |
He has forgotten the Creator, his Lord and Master, and he does not meditate on Him, even for an instant. Says Nanak, in the third watch of the night, the blind and ignorant person gathers poison. |
He has given a home to the homeless; He has given honor to the dishonored. He has fulfilled all desires; remember Him in meditation, day and night, with every breath and every morsel of food. |
He hears and sees everything. How can anyone deny Him? |
He Himself annihilates, and He Himself restores. Nanak offers this prayer to God. |
He Himself beholds, speaks and hears all. O my mind, meditate on the One who is always with you. By the Grace of the Saints, the Light has dawned. |
He Himself created and adorned the Universe, and He Himself contemplates it. Some are counterfeit, and some are genuine. He Himself is the Appraiser. |
He Himself creates, and He Himself assigns us to our tasks. He Himself gives sustenance to the 8.4 million species of beings. |
He Himself hears, and He Himself sees. Those, upon whom He casts His Glance of Grace, become acceptable. |
He Himself is All-pervading; He Himself links us to His Name. |
He Himself is Maya, and He Himself is the Illusion. He Himself has generated emotional attachment throughout the entire universe. |