O body, you are living in a dream! What good deeds have you done? When I stole something by deception, then my mind was pleased. |
O dear beloved mind, my friend, load the profitable cargo of the Lord's Name. O dear beloved mind, my friend, enter through the eternal Door of the Lord. |
O dear beloved mind, my friend, the Lord shall always be with you. |
O Dear Lord, I seek Your Sanctuary forever. You Yourself forgive us, and bless us with Glorious Greatness. |
O Dear Lord, please protect and preserve me in Your Sanctuary. As You keep me, so do I remain. |
O Dear Lord, please show Mercy to me, that I may meet the Guru. Servant Nanak gathers the Wealth of the Lord's Name in his lap. |
O Dear Lord, You are the Creator and the Cause. If it is Your Will, please save and protect me; please bless me with the lifestyle of the Lord's Name. |
O Dear Lord, You are the Truest of the True. All things are in Your Power. The 8.4 million species of beings wander around searching for You, but without the Guru, they do not find You. |
O Dear Lord. I have thoroughly tested and seen all - You alone, by Your Pleasure, can save us. |
O Destroyer of pain, Priceless Treasure, Fearless, free of hate, Unfathomable, Immeasurable, of Undying Form, Unborn, Self-illumined, remembering You in meditation, my mind is filled with a deep and profound peace. |
O devotees, praise the Lord with your palms pressed together; the Lord saves His humble devotees. |
O foolish mind, why are you so proud? You shall have to arise and depart when it pleases your Lord and Master. |
O friends and companions, so puffed up with pride, listen to the one joyous story of your Husband Lord. |
O Giver of peace of the soul, of life, of honor - as You ordain, I obtain peace. |
O Giver of Peace. Please, take me into Your Embrace. |