O my mind, remain awake and aware night and day, and think of the Lord. Protect your crops, or else the birds shall descend on your farm. |
O my mind, remember the Dear Lord, and abandon the corruption of your mind. |
O my mind, serve God, the Giver of all peace; serving Him, you shall come to dwell in your own home deep within. |
O my mind, serve the True Guru. God Himself grants His Grace; do not forget Him, even for an instant. |
O my mind, serve the True One, as long as you have the breath of life. Without the True One, everything is false; in the end, all shall perish. |
O my mind, serve the Unknowable and Immaculate Lord, the Man-lion; serving Him, your account will be cleared. |
O my mind, the Lord is the Giver of peace. By Guru's Grace, He is found. By His Mercy, He is obtained. |
O my mind, think of the Lord. The one who commits sins lives in fear, while the one who lives righteously rejoices. O Lord, You Yourself are True, and True is Your Justice. |
O my mind, vibrate and meditate forever on the Lord, with single-minded love. He is contained deep within each and every heart. He is always with you, as your Helper and Support. |
O my mind, without the Lord, there is no other at all. Remain in God's Sanctuary forever, and no suffering shall afflict you. |
O my mother. Night and day, I practice true devotional worship; I am united with the True Lord |
O my Siblings of Destiny, please unite me in Union with my Lord God. I am a sacrifice to the True Guru, who has shown me the Lord God. |
O my True Guru, without You I have no other at all. I am foolish and ignorant; I seek Your Sanctuary. Please be Merciful and unite me with the Lord. |
O my True Lord and Master, Merciful to the meek, my mind is pleased and appeased by the Truth. |
O Nanak, blessed is that fortunate bride, who is in love with her Husband Lord. |