Praise the True Guru, who imparts this understanding. |
praise the True Lord; there is none other as great as He is. |
praise the True Name, and through the True Name, you will find satisfaction. |
Praiseworthy is the tongue which sings the Lord's Glorious Praises. |
Praising lord, you shall cross over the terrifying world-ocean, and yet, you have not fallen in love with Him! |
Praising You, I am never satisfied; such is the hunger I feel for the True Name. |
Praying him, the inexhaustible treasure has entered into my being |
Prays Nanak, please hear my prayer, You are the pool, and You are the soul-swan. You are the lotus flower of the day and You are the water-lily of the night. You Yourself behold them, and blossom forth in bliss. |
Prays Nanak, what is the nature of the spiritual people? They are self-realized; they understand God. By Guru's Grace, they contemplate Him; such spiritual people are honored in His Court. |
Pride in social status is empty; pride in personal glory is useless. |
Pride, emotional attachment, greed and corruption are gone;one can not place anything else, other than the Lord, within his consciousness |
Pure are those who speak, and sanctified are those who hear and sing, forever and ever, the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe. Says Nanak, when the Lord bestows His Mercy, all one's efforts are fulfilled. |
Rare are those who are blessed with Fear of God Boat. |
Rare, very rare, is that friend who comes and says, O my Beloved, take me into Your Embrace! O my Lord, please save me! |
Reading their books over and over again, people continue making mistakes; they are so proud of their religious robes. But what is the use of bathing at sacred shrines of pilgrimage, when the filth of stubborn pride is within the mind? |