The magazines also are an effort to increase our overall revenues by attracting more advertisers of high-end products and services. |
The main issue with the OEM seal was that the sterilization requirement hadn't been observed and sealing integrity was compromised. |
The main reason (for the price declines) is that we saw very sharp falls in commodity prices pretty much across the whole spectrum. |
The main reason for (the fee) is to help cover some of the cost for umpires and have less traffic back there to reduce maintenance. |
The main thing we tell them is that you've worked really hard up to this point. There's no reason that you shouldn't be successful. |
The mainland always has a positive attitude towards cross-strait economic exchanges, as well as cultural and educational exchanges. |
The majority are still guys in their 50s, but we are seeing young miners coming in here now. You didn't see that a year or two ago. |
The majority of Siemens divisions tend to function very well. We're talking mostly about individual problems, but they are serious. |
The majority of the council members said the obligatory carrying of condoms wasn't the best move because it encouraged promiscuity. |
The man ran in, grabbed the ballot box, then threw it under the wheels of his truck and took off ... the box was flat as a pancake. |
The management of communication here and the way things were said has, I think, undermined a little bit of Fed credibility for now. |
The market has every excuse in the world to be down right now -- higher oil prices, higher interest rates, and negative Intel news. |
The market is poised to move higher. If you exclude GM, earnings have been coming in pretty robust, even in some of the tech names. |
The market is really starting to get unhinged. The majority can be attributed to the storm, and some geopolitical concerns as well. |