International partners, such as the FBI, have indicated and offered their services in facilitating the Caribbean's preparation for the World Cup. |
Investing in education and providing 21st century skills for students are fundamental components to the nation's continued growth and prosperity. |
Investors are already positioning themselves, assuming that the operation will be concluded. The assumption is that only the details are missing. |
Investors are betting on Apple's music story and not the Macintosh story. If they were betting on the Mac story, the stock would be in the teens. |
Inwardly and outwardly, the Lord God is always with us. Fear, dread and doubt have been dispelled by the Perfect Guru; now, I see God everywhere. |
Iran is the second-largest producer in OPEC and they do have particular sway within the organization. That creates jitters in Europe and the U.S. |
Iranian levers of influence include a broad network of informants, military and logistical support of armed groups, and social welfare campaigns. |
Iraq has regained its independence and held democratic elections for the first time in its history, in order to elect a National Iraqi committee. |
is a sacred obligation to ensure our country honors the past; there is no dispute that what happened to the Armenian people constitutes genocide. |
Is inflation dead? Not yet. If this moderating of inflationary pressures were to appear in the other reports, it could bode well for the economy. |
Is the debate over? This is our final decision on this challenge. But, if there is new, credible evidence - not innuendo - we would look into it. |
Islander East insists on a pipeline route that travels through some of the most precious and fragile natural resource areas of Long Island Sound, |
issues concerning treaties are largely political questions best left to the political branches of the government, not the courts, for resolution. |
Issues of this type are really between the general partners, ... Our office will get involved only if there is a request for a transfer of power. |