Material used on accessories like buttons and zippers contain small amounts of the chemicals. International organizations have not provided proof of any adverse effects from these materials on human beings. |
May not music be described as the mathematics of the sense, mathematics as music of the reason? The musician feels mathematics, the mathematician thinks music: music the dream, mathematics the working life. |
May those who love us, love us; and those who don't love us, may God turn their hearts; and if He doesn't turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles so we'll know them by their limping. |
Maybe [the Cuban government will] let me work in something unimportant, but we will never have the opportunity to be in our league again, at least not in Cuba. That's why we wanted to go to another country. |
Measures of consumer perceptions should be watched carefully for large and drastic moves, but the analyst who relies on small moves for an indication of consumer purchasing behavior is likely to get burned. |
Melvyn Bragg's central thesis is right and it is one the book festival demonstrates every summer: ideas drive the world forwards and ideas are most beautifully, powerfully and resonantly contained in books. |
Members of our forum are an amazingly disparate group who simply want people to see the film and feel its power. Some of our most active members are grandmothers and over a third of forum members are women. |
Members of the class of 2002 approached the Alumni Association about re-establishing a senior class gift program because they wanted to do something on campus to remember those lost in the Sept. 11 tragedy. |
Mice come and they go. They may have been trapped and cleaned up. It would not be unusual to not catch one, the way they run. In order for me to identify a source, we would actually have to capture a mouse. |
Michael Fielding left the country in June 2001, over four years ago. Our business has moved onwards and upwards a long way since then and what we are concerned to do is to look forward rather than backward. |
Mike Perry is a well-respected coach who has brought and will continue to bring distinction to Georgia State's men's basketball program. We look forward to him being with the program for many years to come. |
Mike's unique in terms of his success in various sports. He's a tremendous person and quality student-athlete who brings a great sense of dedication, loyalty and competitive spirit to whatever team he's on. |
Monika is a smart player who sees the court very well. She puts the ball right where she wants to. And Maggie is outstanding as well. These three players will be pivotal to whether we win or lose this year. |