In the preamble to my question, I summarized the local bridge situation. I specifically asked if there was any reason why a private bridge can't be built here. He absolutely knew which bridge we were talking about. |
In the process of filling out your college applications, you've already done a tremendous amount of work, so then go apply for scholarships because so many of the components [in a college application] are reusable. |
In the run-up things were looking quite promising and solid, and now it really is a matter of, can they comply and of looking at the (oil) companies and seeing which are able to withstand relatively low oil prices. |
In the short term, natural gas suppliers might feel they have an enormous amount of leverage. In almost every instance, that position was a flawed obsession, revealing the gas producer to be an unreliable supplier. |
In the under-12 group, it was evenly split between boys and girls. Eighty-four percent of the audience rated 'Sinbad' in the top two categories. Ninety-four percent of the under-12s rated it excellent or very good. |
In the wet-barrel market - the real barrels that are stored and traded - there is no shortage of oil. But the paper barrels - the futures market - react like a lightning rod in a volatile market. That's their role. |
In this business, guys get hurt and I think everybody else has to elevate their game. The defense has to play better, the quarterbacks are going to have to play better, the linemen are going to have to play better. |
In times of change, of Zeitgeist, when the accompanying need for new orientation to new conditions the psyche is stunned into activity- Sensitive souls receive the impact of these activities from the psychic depths |
In true Bobby fashion, all he wanted to talk about was how good we were doing, ... Finally, I said, 'Bobby, look, I called you to talk about you, OK? I want to congratulate you and tell you how good you're doing.' |
In women who are pregnant, it may make it more likely to have premature babies or have low birth weight babies, ... And in everyone, you can have less energy, you may be more tired and irritable, perhaps feel cold. |
Indeed, the asteroid's orbit is particularly attractive for spacecraft rendezvous, and the extraordinary close encounter in April 2029 provides a unique opportunity to investigate a number of scientific NEO issues. |
India continues to face severe power shortages that translate into substantial losses to the economy. It stifles development of industry and commerce, increases the cost of doing business, and reduces productivity. |
Indonesian investors will tell you the same thing, that the biggest discouragement to investing your money here is corruption. This problem is something that needs to be tackled across a whole range of initiatives. |