If probation believes a person has been molesting an 11-year-old, there has to be a response, and there will be. The state's not going to put itself in a position of knowing a crime's being committed and doing nothing. |
If the 22 percent increase in research funding is allocated in a way that is proportional to past patterns, the Advanced Energy Initiative is unlikely to have an appreciable impact on the development of the technology. |
If the president sends us a nominee who is committed to an agenda of turning back the clock on civil rights, workers' rights, individual autonomy or other vital constitutional protections, there will likely be a fight. |
If the roof of your condo gets damaged, for example, and water leaks into the unit, the master policy would cover the roof repair but not individual unit repairs to things like the ceiling, walls, carpets or furniture, |
If the senators who have consistently blocked the conception bill were able to join on with us in the post 19 weeks bill, at least we would get some bill passed that would give those protections to the unborn children. |
If there's any drawback, it would be in terms of how higher prices would affect the margins in their refining operations -- but that's not an issue now because of capacity constraints we have here in the United States. |
If they are enrolled at an affected university, that means they've already paid their tuition and fees and probably purchased books, and so what we're simply doing with that proof, we're deferring any tuition and fees. |
If they can find mechanics willing to work under the terms that Northwest wanted to pay, more power to them. We refuse to work under those conditions and we are prepared to walk away and start our lives somewhere else. |
If they come to the library to play educational games and they think libraries are a fun place to be, they will come back again and again their whole life. We've generated a lifelong reader and a lifelong library user. |
If they do reasonably well on the operating side and they don't have all these payments for restructuring, they could be cash flow positive, which could be very good for the company. That's what people are looking for. |
If this bill passes, this Congress is saying that the court system of Florida will lose its long jurisdiction of history in this matter and others like it, and the jurisdiction of the federal court will be substituted, |
If under these circumstances the F.O.M.C. is prepared to keep going, then this means that the committee is more worried about the longer-term risk of higher inflation than the shorter-term risk of a collapse in growth. |
Peter Walker (1936-) |
Peter Walker (1936-) |