If you think about the conditions the victims of Katrina endured … the stress and fear must have been unimaginable, ... When real news isn't available, rumors percolate to fill the gap. … People start conjecturing. |
If you think people deserve better, and that you feel we have a good team, well somebody has to speak up and say something. Why not me? Some people may not like it, but I'm going to be honest and say what's on my mind. |
If you've watched him with the position players, it's not that surprising he can hit balls over the backdrop in center field. He has the right approach, as he showed going the other way. He's just way beyond his years. |
In 2005, we had 32 areas (of the country) that ran short of cement at certain times of the year. With the demand for cement growing in 2006 and very little expansion of production, I think further supplies are limited. |
In 2008, Nokia expects that 3 billion people will be owning a mobile phone, with much of this growth coming from markets like China, India, South-East Asia and Africa, where penetration levels are still relatively low. |
In a ballroom, all you can do is dance and eat. We wanted to provide more than just dancing. They ate and danced, and when they got tired, they went out and looked at exhibits. Then they came back and danced some more. |
In a dictatorship where Gadhafi controls the strings, he can make sure that the things he wants to give priority to are given money. There are no constraints on his ability to assist movements that he considers useful. |
In addition to the economic impact dollar figure, of particular interest to us was that the All-Star Game and related events generated nearly 20,000 hotel room nights, with an average lodging expense of $403 per group. |
In all the years I was in the legislature -- and I'll swear this on a stack of Bibles -- he never asked me to do anything or vote in a particular way, other than he always wants us to build more roads in the mountains. |
In emerging democracies like Russia, in authoritarian states like Iran or even Yugoslavia, journalists play a vital role in civil society. In fact, they form the very basis of those new democracies and civil societies. |
In Europe, we are optimistic that lingering concerns about beef will continue to lessen as the year progresses, ... We continue to educate our European customers about McDonald's high food safety and quality standards. |
In fewer than 70 days, we'll have the historic, unique opportunity to end more than 70 years of bad governments, to change more than 70 years of a corrupt system that has stolen from Mexicans the fruits of their labor. |
In general, one has to ask why complete the International Space Station anyway. One worries about putting lots of resources into that because it diverts resources from the scientific exploration which needs to be done. |
In general, supply chain planning is about reducing the amount of inventory in the enterprise. Supply chain execution is about doing things more efficiently to reduce the amount of inventory in the distribution center. |
In George W. Bush's latest reincarnation, he claims to be Reagan-like. Mr. Bush, I know Ronald Reagan. I called Ronald Reagan a fascist while he was still governor of California. And Mr. Bush, you are no Ronald Reagan. |