We're thrilled. To have Charles Schwab take the bold step of being one of our original dual-listed companies and to evaluate both markets on their merits and choose to list solely on Nasdaq is a major validation of the Nasdaq market model. |
We're touring nine to 14 weeks a year and are starting to fill theaters that hold up to 2,000 people. So we are actually paying bills with this - not all our bills, you know, but at least the essential ones. We're not entirely in the dark. |
We're very early on in whatever you want to call this, the evolution or grand experiment. In some sense they (companies) justify it by looking at their current cost trends and getting sold on the idea that this is going to save them money. |
We've adapted to having this as a part of the way that we attend events. It hasn't really deterred people from wanting to continue to attend events. It's not something that people object to. They tolerate it because they prefer to be safe. |
We've been diligently converting a large percentage of our stations to a digital platform so listeners can take advantage of the superior sound quality, abundance of programming choices, and unique interactivity with their favorite brands. |
We've been in constant contact with the lawyer and he's confident a visa should be granted by mid-April. Mick still has the deal with North East Promotions over there, and if things go according to plan will have his first US fight in May. |
We've been involved very directly and very intensively for a long time. I think the way to look at the events over the last 24 hours is a continuation of the United States' strong commitment to facilitating Israeli-Palestinian cooperation. |
We've been out of office for so long, so you get in there and show what your plans are for the country, and people will be able to say oh, I didn't realize that. We'll be able to define ourselves rather than being defined by our opponents. |
We've been trying to catch them for a long time. We got close, then slid back and fell behind Manchester, too. But now we're ready to go and want to tie for first place and keep going the way we've been going to set us up for the playoffs. |
We've been working on our defense. We could have a poor shooting night, but suddenly we grab a couple of rebounds and we wake up. Our lapses are always when we're not playing good defense. It's something that Lourdes has always focused on. |
We've got a lot of plans for it. We're going to remodel in the next 30 to 60 days and we're going to do everything we can to make it nicer and newer. But at the same time we plan to keep the nostalgia of the place that people know so well. |
We've got a lot of young pitchers, and they've got a lot of young position players, ... There are a lot of similarities. In a small, low-budget kind of deal, you've got to have youth mixed in there. I think both sides have handled it well. |
We've got millions of workers that don't have high school educations, ... These are the type of people who would gain a great deal from interaction with an employee benefit specialist, a 401(k) specialist or a human resources professional. |
We've got some work ahead of us, there's no question. You just don't pick up where you left off. It doesn't work that way. We're going to lose some guys in free agency, probably. We'll try our best to keep as many of them around as we can. |
We've got to hope that he will take steps to end the stress on the forces, because this force is under huge stress, ... He's seen firsthand that mistakes have been made. He could forcefully decide that he's going to speak out and speak up. |