The programs of these specific recipients were chosen because these are organizations that have existing operations on the ground, they have a proven track record, and they have the capacity to rapidly scale up their operations so that we can begin having an immediate impact when these dollars are out the door, |
The rally this morning couldn't hold up because there's just no conviction, ... There's some selling pressure there, but it's more that buyers have no religion. Tech and telecom are this huge drag on the market. People are buying very defensively in health care, chemicals, consumer products and pharmaceuticals. |
The real thrust of the program is based on the premise that a lot of our national security problems can benefit from the attention of science and engineering, that there is a technological component to a lot of these problems. We want to generate interest among science and engineering people in [policy issues]. |
The realization right now is that we have one cup to play for. All the others are gone, and we've had some tough losses, but they're completely behind us. It's unfortunate and fortunate. It would've been nice to have stayed in those tournaments but it has also given us the opportunity to have one goal in sight. |
The reason the world is in the spot it's in is because North Korea entered into an agreement and then did not keep up their terms of the agreement. They received aid in return for promising not to develop nuclear weapons. They took the aid, they ran with the aid and then they developed a nuclear weapons anyway, |
The reason they are coming upstream is that they want to spawn; they look for current. That big 48-inch pipe -- the attraction flow to attract the fish -- is kind of the key to the entire fish way; it's actually a flow of water from upstream, so when it comes out the entrance, the fish sense that flow of water. |
The resolution passed by the IAEA board of governors on 24 September makes clear the depth of international concern at Iran's decision. It remains to be seen how Iran will respond. Iran has an opportunity now to come into line with requests made by the IAEA board; we hope it would choose that constructive path. |
The response so far to this is nothing short of incredible. We have seen the stars, directors, companies and fans of adult start grass-roots campaigns for their favorites, and we couldn't be happier about everyone's participation. This is already a huge success in our eyes and it's only going to grow from here. |
The situation is extremely serious. In the next day or so all bread supplies will dry up. There is very little else around in terms of rice, which is also short in supply. Bread is the staple diet for Palestinians. It is also the food the poorest people so if that's not available people will start to go hungry. |
The specifics of the inaugural activities are still being worked out. But we're working very hard to hold down expenses without compromising the dignity or the importance of the inauguration. We're celebrating the Democratic process and highlighting the great spirit of New Jersey, not holding a political rally. |
The thing I liked most was that when Dwight was matched up with Duncan, he took the ball right at him. That's what we've been trying to get him to do all season. We want him to take it right at the defender rather than the finesse stuff. Maybe as he continues to get confidence from the foul line, he'll do that. |
The thing that has surprised me is his consistency. As a rookie, it's tough to maintain your level of play throughout the year and he's played well from day one. Since the Olympic break, he's gotten more ice time and he's really taken advantage of that. I think the work he did early in the season is paying off. |
The thing that helped the economy so much was a drop in interest rates, which meant lower mortgage rates, which meant consumers have been able to tap the wealth in their homes by refinancing and taking equity out of their homes. With rates having backed up so sharply, refinancing is not such a bargain any more. |
The tragic aftermath of Hurricane Katrina continues to be an extraordinary challenge long after the daily front page headlines have subsided. For so many of these youngsters, the Boys & Girls Club is a safe haven and rebuilding the clubs is integral to giving them a sense of hope and opportunity for the future. |
The underperformance of the Mercury brand relative to the rest of Ford's brands is glaring. If you look at the Ford brands, every one has a distinctive identity. All of the Mercury models are basically twins of other Ford vehicles. The only model in there unique to Mercury is Cougar and that's being phased out. |