Edward Albee (1928-) |
What we have to do, no matter if it's a fender-bender, our driver immediately has to be drug tested and we've already done that. Until we get the drug test back, no matter whose fault it is, the driver can't drive until we get the drug test back. That's standard protocol with any accident you have. It's automatic. |
What you gotta think about is what they're saying in their locker room. They need to jump on us. On our home court, they know how successful we are there and they know how huge the game is. It's do or die for them. It's even more important for us to come out and hopefully break their backs in the first 10 minutes. |
What you try to do is be in a position by 2 p.m. on Sunday so that if you're the chair, the rest of us can quiz you on why Minnesota is in or why not or why Georgetown got picked over Rutgers in a given year so that when Billy Packer is asking you those questions, you've at least had a trial run of answering them. |
What's happening is we own very little generation; the utility companies own very little generation. As a result we have to go out for power when the current contract expires, which happens at the end of 2006. If you think of natural gas and the way it operates now, that will be the way we will operate after 2006. |
What's the hardest part is the intensity. We had snow coming out two to three inches an hour. As fast as we can plow, the wind is putting the snow right back on the roads. [Monday's] conditions will depend on how much wind we get. Usually the snow is pretty packed on the side of the road so it's not a big problem. |
What's tough for Jenny is that she's the only freshman on the team and she has an older sister who is just a phenomenal soccer player. She tends to be kind of quiet, but she comes out and plays hard. I think next year (after) Estelle has graduated, Jenny will come out of her shell a little more, which makes sense. |
Whatever Michael's faults were, and we all have them, Michael took a moribund company and energized it to a level I'm not sure anyone else could have done. He ensured that Disney provided 10 times the level of entertainment available for children prior to him getting there - high-quality, clean, fun entertainment. |
Whatever Michael's faults were, and we all have them, Michael took a moribund company and energized it to a level I'm not sure anyone else could have done. He ensured that Disney provided 10 times the level of entertainment available for children prior to him getting there - high-quality, clean, fun entertainment. |
When Andy made it 4-3 all the memories of what happened in Malta came flooding back - and then it was just a mad free-for-all to get over the line. It's just crazy when that happens. You find yourself playing shots you'd never have played before. It's weird what that little bit of doubt in your mind can do to you. |
When I came home on leave, I thought I would surely have changed into a dashing figure... just because I was dressed for the part. But my friends laughed when they saw me in my navy uniform. I guess I must have been a sight, but I didn't realize I looked that silly. And I was so proud to come home in that uniform! |
When I fell, I didn't think I would be in this situation two weeks later. My leg has made a tremendous improvement over the last 15 days. At this point, I can do about 95 percent of the physical training activities. The challenge arises when I have to jump or sustain more impact to my leg, especially while skiing. |
When I first saw the music, I was pretty scared. Wow, we're going to be playing this? Then I thought, 'With hard work I can get this,' and I have. One piece, Beethoven's 'Egmont' overture, looks like one of the hardest pieces to learn. You're expecting it to be given to professionals to play, and we're playing it. |