Unless we take significant steps to address that, it's going to continue to be the problem. States have attempted to address this, but are somewhat constrained in what they're allowed to do. It raises the question of why Congress is not taking steps to amend this. As long as Congress doesn't act, I think you're going to see states be as creative as they can in doing something themselves. |
Vodafone helps us extend the mobile computing environment for ThinkPad customers, giving users access to a high-speed wireless network when and where they need to do business. In addition, our new Access Connections 4.1 software works with Vodafone's 3G network, enabling users to move seamlessly from one available network connection to the next without downtime or costly help desk calls. |
We are comfortable with the terms of the tentative agreement. And the reason that we're comfortable is not only does it not reward the employees for going on strike -- no matter how you spin it, none of the penalties are waived, mitigated, ameliorated or a blind eye cast to them -- the contract is cheaper and better for the MTA than what was on the table at the time the strike commenced. |
We are proud to be partnering with Danielle Steel. She is recognized globally as a tremendously talented and brilliant author, ... Ms. Steel's image will be instrumental in creating the vision for the brand. She will be personally involved with Elizabeth Arden in all aspects of product development, bringing her elegance, ideas of romance, and passionate personality to her signature line. |
We are very excited to continue our association with Thurston Spring Service Inc. and Bill Thurston. We are blessed to be associated with someone of Billy's caliber. He is a tremendous businessperson, but more importantly a tremendous person. Billy has supported weekly racing in the area for many years now and we are ecstatic that he will be continuing his relationship with our speedway. |
We are very pleased to be working with RDE again on such a major program. RFEL has significant experience at both the system and at the chip level in this sort of communications monitoring application, and so it is a particularly interesting and enjoyable project. RDE has a very clear vision of what they and their customers require, so consequently the teams work together extremely well. |
We believe it may have been intentional but we haven't determined whether it was a case of human error or a deliberate act. When we have major maintenance work being done, in addition to our own employees, there are many contract workers who come in to support that. We believe some of these people may have left the area ... and may have information that would assist in the investigation. |
We believe that a $1,000 tax reduction equals about $10,000 more on the overall value of your home, ... If you were in the buyer's market and you were considering two similar homes on the same block, and one has taxes of $10,000 and the other $9,000, wouldn't you pay $5,000 or even $10,000 more for that home? Most people would, since they usually plan to stay there for at least 10 years. |
We believe that the PC environment hasn't improved, and visibility still remains quite poor. We expect this trend to continue through the first half of 2001. As a result, we expect pricing pressure to continue between Intel and AMD through Labor Day, as weak end demand and inventory overhang continue to push both companies down the slippery slope of pricing as the only means of leverage. |
We believe that we should focus on IC design efforts and training the talent in Singapore, so as to leap forward in our business activities. We are going to invest 10 million [Singapore] dollars in our people. Our IC design expansion this time is also in line with our basic business principle of grooming people before making products. We would like to welcome promising people to join us. |
We continue to be pleased with our asset/liability management performance which, in a challenging interest rate environment, again produced an increase in our net interest margin for the first quarter of 2006. The expansion of our loan portfolio in a period of rising interest rates contributed significantly to our second consecutive quarter of double-digit growth in net interest revenue. |
We continue to believe that the President is under some pressure to not appear anti-labor, and thus will probably not intervene until some time next week at the earliest. But despite his recent popularity with the Teamsters and the AFL-CIO, Bush will, in our view, most likely choose to protect the economy, which appears to increasingly be at risk the longer the port disruption continues. |
We definitely have to play him a different way with the new rules. They help out guys that are strong and fast and big and he's got it all. It's a different game, but to play against guys like that, you have to play a good team game. You have to back guys up. And if he's going to do anything, it's going to have be from 200 feet. We want to play in their end, especially to neutralize him. |
We didn't play very well tonight to tell you the truth. If our bench didn't come to the rescue, we would have been in trouble. Michele Hagan had a big night with 13 points and 13 rebounds in 13 minutes. That's almost a triple-double. And Jill saved us in the first half. We weren't shooting very well, and she came in and hit some threes and got four rebounds. The bench carried us tonight. |
We experienced another record year of business results despite many challenges. In particular, the Asia region rebounded nicely and our consumer business experienced a significant increase in revenue. Although we remain guarded in the near term about business PC growth rates, we look forward to the tremendous opportunity in front of us with the Windows 2000 generation of server products. |