Every card is a record of history. They are like pieces of a puzzle. |
every confidence that your generosity (in Texas) will be made whole. |
Every day at 8:00, that's what we start our day doing is exercising. |
Every day he's getting better and better with the reps he's getting. |
Every day, every hour, every minute, they're adjusting in real time. |
Every decision made by that individual reflects bad decision-making. |
Every dollar generated from the sale would stay in higher education. |
Every election there is always an effort to get more people to vote. |
Every game is a big game. Our biggest game is the next game we play. |
Every game will be a challenge. We will know where exactly we stand. |
Every location in the country is exposed to one disaster or another. |
Every member is a volunteer. No one is paid. All the money goes out. |
Every one of us has a personality blind spot when it comes to money. |
Every shot was contested. Give Florida credit. They're a great team. |