175 ordspråk av Jesse Jackson

US  Jesse Jackson

Jesse Jackson föddes den 8 oktober 1941
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 We are saddened by the passing of Rosa Parks. We rejoice in her legacy, which will never die. In many ways, history is marked as before, and after, Rosa Parks.

 We began to talk about one's faith and the storm.

 We go as independent religious leaders, as private citizens, not with the support of our government. But I'm sure they hope we are successful in our appeal.

 We must democratize access to health care, education, and housing. Without an agenda of economic security, democracy is just recycling poverty.

 We must make it clear that talk of isolating Venezuela, talk of assassinating its leader, this is unacceptable, and it must be denounced roundly by our president,

 We must not measure greatness from the mansion down, but from the manger up.

 We must somehow bring our soldiers back home and not allow them to be trophies in a growing, deepening crisis between the U.S. and China,

 We need a domestic version of these vehicles, ... Whether it's the Ozarks, East L.A. or Harlem, there must be vehicles ... to transport capital to people who need it.

 We need a domestic version of these vehicles. Whether it's the Ozarks, East L.A. or Harlem, there must be vehicles ... to transport capital to people who need it.

 We need millions more to act and react to what we saw in the gulf. Images were burned into our consciousness.

 We reduce this to Bill Clinton and Ms. Lewinsky, but what is at stake here, really, is the spirit of the nation, the mood of the nation, how the world sees our nation,

 We want the people resettled and the damages paid for lives lost and lives injured,

 We want the people resettled and the damages paid for lives lost and lives injured.

 We want the Voting Rights Act.

 We want the youth to stand still knowing that their parents and their ministers would cross the line for them.

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