175 ordspråk av Jesse Jackson

US  Jesse Jackson

Jesse Jackson föddes den 8 oktober 1941
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 We want to do more than see them and take the messages from their relatives from who we have talked. We want to gain their freedom.

 We were fundamentally the same. They expressed their anger more willingly. We developed the capacity to internalize our anger, using a nonviolent discipline.

 We will be there for as long as we have been in South Korea.

 we will not apologize even for slavery. We're hung up on that word, that kind of cultural wall.

 We're losing too many of our children, ... I hope today isn't the end. Let's go back and get our communities together.

 We're not going to have an oil war.

 We're simply saying to Wall Street corporations ... we expect you to open up the market place, ... We (African-Americans) have good products, services, talent and capital. Let us in.

 We've cut too much sugar cane, we've picked too much cotton, we've died too young, ... Don't give up now. It's dark, I know. But morning is coming.

 We've removed the ceiling above our dreams. There are no more impossible dreams.

 What has not changed is the ballistics report saying the gun that Mr. Graham had is not the one that killed Mr. Lambert, that has not changed, the lack of positive identification has not changed, the lack of cross-examination has not changed, inadequate legal representation has not changed,

 What has not changed is the ballistics report saying the gun that Mr. Graham had is not the one that killed Mr. Lambert, that has not changed, the lack of positive identification has not changed, the lack of cross-examination has not changed, inadequate legal representation has not changed.

 What's different here is that Ken Starr is able to play God with government funding.

 When God rang the bell that ended the fight, the world cried out for one more round.

 When the doors of opportunity swing open, we must make sure that we are not too drunk or too indifferent to walk through.

 When we're unemployed, we're called lazy; when the whites are unemployed it's called a depression.

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