267 ordspråk av Michael Brown

Michael Brown

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 this was not people choosing to stay in their beach homes.

 Those are not FEMA roles. FEMA doesn't evacuate communities. FEMA does not do law enforcement. FEMA does not do communications.

 To think that you could actually find something in our own solar system bigger than anything that had been seen in 150 years, just is sort of an amazing prospect.

 Today I resigned as director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, ... As I told the president, it is important that I leave now to avoid further distraction from the ongoing mission of FEMA.

 Unfortunately, he called me 'Brownie' at the wrong time. Thanks a lot, sir.

 was the tipping point for all the other things that either went wrong or were exacerbated.

 We are grateful for the outpouring of support already, ... But it's important that volunteer response is coordinated by professionals who can direct volunteers with the appropriate skills to the hardest-hit areas where they are needed most. Self-dispatched volunteers and especially sightseers can put themselves and others in harm's way and hamper rescue efforts.

 We are meeting every request that we get from the state, ... Late Edition.

 We are seeing people we didn't know exist

 We believe this decision is in the best interest of our shareholders, customers and employees since it will allow us to create a stronger company and one better able to take advantage of the opportunities in all our business segments,

 We came up to the bar to get some pop. We ended up playing pool.

 We can take care of our own people, ... and we're going to do that. I understand their frustration. I understand these people are suffering, and I'm telling you we're doing absolutely everything we can to make sure we take care of them.

 We didn't hear it open, didn't hear him screaming. I guess he rolled over him. We didn't feel a bump or anything. The kids said the door was open. I looked, and he wasn't back there.

 We didn't want to deal with it at that point,

 We have to keep a close eye on the manufacturing industry. That's really the bread and butter of the United Way.

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