64 ordspråk av Randy Jackson

Randy Jackson

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 It's time to get hot. This is the time to do it.

 Kelly, Kelly, Kelly. I love your voice man, you give me chills... Brilliant.

 Let's just say definitely look out for the outfits, because I think people are just getting a little crazy.

 Man, every time Kelly opened her mouth she gave me chills!

 Moment of truth. Are you ready?

 No matter how great your pitcher is, things are going to happen and you're going to have to back her up.

 Pitch problems. Wasn't the right song.

 Taylor's back, and he's kicking and taking names.

 That extra 3 feet takes the pitcher out of it, defensively. It's a huge adjustment for the whole game.

 That's a big song, dude. It's about a five.

 The kids this time, I think, want this worse than ever.

 The minute she got back, that allowed us to put Laura Mendes back in center field and (Torre) at first base. It made us better defensively.

 The theory is that Mariah Carey can sing anything. You hear that expression, 'She can sing the phone book.' So if you can really sing, you should be able to sing anything, so we're testing them. That's the whole competition.

 There is a great disparity in the way stats are kept. There's no way that many kids are hitting.400 and above. I look at the stats very closely, and it's ridiculous.

 There's great girls, great boys, I mean I know you hear us say it every time but truly, truly good talent. And I think it's the year for the boy, finally!

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