64 ordspråk av Randy Jackson

Randy Jackson

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 They all hate each other deep down, but they aren't going to say it on camera.

 They're a great team. They hit the ball well.

 This is the best season ever!

 Three out of eight is not bad. It's the way things happen.

 We didn't play well, and (Wellington) is a good team that took advantage of our mistakes. But to be champions you have to win on tough nights.

 We're a young team, but we've been there before. A lot of what we did last year is going to help us now.

 We're excited. We're ready to go.

 We're hoping it opens the game up a little bit.

 We're just happy to be going. I don't think anyone gave us a chance to go back after losing as much as we did. We're there though.

 We've been on a roll. We can swing the bat like that. In a Miami tournament, I think we had 51 hits in four games. We're capable. Tonight they got some good pitches, and they took advantage of it.

 We've had a great year. No one certainly expected we'd be back here.

 When we get on a roll, we can swing the bats like that. You take advantage of what pitches they give you, and tonight they got some good pitches and good looks and took advantage of it.

 You chose the toughest song to sing tonight . . . and you worked it out.

 You get a shot at bat when you win this. You've won the competition. You've got the prize. Now you've got to make a great record. That's the hardest thing for all of them, because I don't think all of them have made great records.

 You took a song that everyone knows and made a cool alternative version. You're ready. You're ready.

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