38 ordspråk av Steven Jackson

Steven Jackson

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 It helps things a lot, ... You have the deep threat and you have your quarterback back, so they're going to respect the pass a little bit more and it opens things up.

 It makes the region tournament kind of (unimportant).

 It's hard beating a team once, but to beat them three times?

 It's more laid-back. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing, but it's more of a comfort zone. Guys are smiling a lot more around here. I think everyone is starting over anew, a breath of fresh air.

 let the league know the Rams are planning to do something this year.

 Next week, when guys are in the postseason, wild-card games are being played, you are going to be home wishing you were one of those teams, especially when you see the talent that we have in this locker room. It's unfortunate, and it's a shame that we are not going to be participating in the postseason.

 No, I haven't, but you can. Give me the ball.

 Nobody would let go of the cup. It was really cute.

 Right now, I'm feeling pretty good. I'll get some more things looked at, make sure I'm all right. But I came back at the end of the game, and I expect to be out there next week.

 Someone in that organization thought I wasn't good enough. It's worked out for both teams.

 The position coaches and Coach Fairchild, they've done a great job of stepping in and taking hold of what needs to be done on our side of the ball.

 The running back sets the tempo for the offense, ... If I'm out there banging on people, it lets the defense know it's time to get it on. Everything has to change. Everything needs a new beginning. They used to play power football with Eric Dickerson and Bettis with this franchise. It's time to go back to those days.

 The transition took place long before you guys knew it, ... Look at the game last year. I was playing more than him toward the end of the season. The change happened before the announcement. You guys just didn't know it.

 The way he used Ricky Williams and Ronnie Brown, and the running backs from Minnesota before that, he's shown that he likes to run. I'm pretty sure I'll get a lot of touches. I'm expecting a lot more touches than I've been getting the last couple of years. I think we'll have more balance.

 There's no hard feelings at all, ... If anything, we're closer than we were last year. He helps me with the little things my young eyes don't see yet or understand. Sometimes, the coaches can be too technical. Marshall can act as a player and a coach. He's seen it and done it all. That helps.

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