38 ordspråk av Steven Jackson

Steven Jackson

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 There's something unique about me, we just can't figure out what it is.

 They did everything -- started at 7 a.m., ended at 4 p.m.. I could sit and watch the TV while they came in and prodded me. I thought it was well worth it for me.

 They have to say something, they have to pick at something, ... I heard it a lot. But I know I can handle the carries. That's not an issue.

 We've been kind of down around here ... because you know your head guy is a little sick. And everyone cares about him. We want to make sure that he gets right. As long as he's doing that, we're going to take care of business on the field.

 You can't look at another guy's stats and try to compare them with yours, at the end of the year we'll see how it comes out,

 You never know what to expect from Mike, ... It's up to me, when I do have a chance to run, to make something happen. And that's what I plan on doing.

 You're frustrated because you know the talent that we have on offense, and it's kind of mind-boggling wondering why we couldn't get it in the end zone that many times down there in the red zone.

 You've got to think about the fact that we were able to knock 'em off in a big comeback in the beginning of the (2004) season. So I don't think they really fully got over that yet.

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