7 ordspråk av Andy Brunner

Andy Brunner

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 It's kind of crazy right now. The Southwestern Conference is just ridiculously good to begin with, so to compete in this conference, you have to bring everything you have. It seems like any team can beat any other team. It's far from over, that's for sure.

 Michael has grown a lot. He's 6 feet 2 and he's also a lefty so that helps him out. Our other seniors are solid and I'm excited about the way a couple of our sophomores (McLean and Hitchcock) are coming along.

 The one thing I don't have to worry about with Nick and Brian is their off-season tournament schedule. They'll travel to Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Kansas City -- wherever they can go to play the best competition. Their work ethic is second to none and they are great role models for the rest of the team.

 The wins by Alex and John were really the story of the match. If they don't win, it's 3-3 going into doubles and they (East) are always known for having strong doubles players. Both Alex and John have been playing steady tennis recently and at No. 5 that's what you want.

 They came out hard in the first half and finished. That was the story of the game. We had a lot of frustration in the first half. A good team can do that to you.

 We couldn't get any offensive rhythm going. It's a consistency thing for us. We have a good team, but the consistency just isn't there yet.

 We're not overloaded with talent, but we have some very, very good players and nice depth.

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