12 ordspråk av Frank Brunner

Frank Brunner

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 I don't believe we should allow this parent to change the subject.

 I think we're being proactive by identifying some areas of potential growth. I think it's good on the district's part to go ahead and get these zones aligned now so that when these new homes come in, it won't be such an emotional issue.

 If a military recruiter belittles any of our students or speaks in an inappropriate or unprofessional manner, I want the students to know that there is a person right there on campus and they can go and report it.

 If we do that without the additional four acres, it's going to be very cost-prohibitive and burdensome.

 It may be the incentive that is needed to break this.

 Let's identify where the most pressing need is now.

 None of us are opposed to keeping the school where it is. But we'll have some obstacles to work through.

 Regardless of what decision is ultimately made regarding the school, we realize there is merit in holding onto that site. One day a new elementary could be located there.

 Then we'll be back to the drawing board.

 This evening I heard double talk. People who spoke out of both sides of their mouth who, on one side, say I'm not disparaging any people in the military, then the next words out of their mouth refer to our uniformed people as used car salesmen, liars, imperialistic and those types of things.

 We won't find construction materials cheaper than they are now. These are huge budget numbers, but not when you consider 42,000 students, 5,000 employees and 48 schools. We might be a midsize district in Florida, but we crack the top 100 of school districts in America.

 We're kind of back to square one.

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