8 ordspråk av Gary Brunner

Gary Brunner

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 For what they went through, I couldn't be prouder of these girls.

 It shook our girls. This was good medicine for our girls to get back on the basketball floor again.

 That was a heck of a performance by Ashley. Besides her great numbers she has also stepped up and taken a leadership role on this team despite being a sophomore.

 The key was we took our time offensively. We hit some open people and we held them to one-shot possessions.

 We did what we had to do to stay in the race. After the first quarter, we played very well.

 We got careless in the fourth quarter. I think with what the girls had to go through the last 24 hours, it was to be expected that they would have letdowns at times.

 We look for someone to step up every night. Tonight it was Jackie. She had the hot hand (and) the girls recognized that and kept getting her the ball. She kept shooting until she missed.

 We've been a little fish in a big pond for awhile. It's not an easy road.

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This website focuses on proverbs in the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian languages, and some parts including the links below have not been translated to English. They are mainly FAQs, various information and webpages for improving the collection.

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