23 ordspråk av Ann Hurley

Ann Hurley

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 These are not investments for the grandma and grandpa set,

 Things that would ordinarily move the market are having only minimal impact, ... People are really just looking ahead to Friday's employment report.

 This is a positive for corporate balance sheets, ... They're able to restructure higher-yielding debt for debt at levels that we haven't seen in 45 years.

 We got some good news from core inflation but it's perceived to be temporary, so we're back to focusing on the risks of inflation and Fed tightening again,

 We really have given up a lot in price and gained a lot in yield,

 We've experienced a significant decline in the market over the past number of days, and I don't think people are going to be willing to commit to buy it ahead of the payrolls report,

 While the strength in this report would normally point toward continued Fed tightening, the Fed will most likely put a heavier weight on post-Katrina data, retail sales, jobs created and lost, consumer confidence,

 With the Fed expected to go another 25 basis points on Wednesday and still-tame inflation reports, we are just seeing more of the same flattening trend,

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