422 ordspråk av Barry Hyman

Barry Hyman

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 Without having that constant barrage of negative news, there is the opportunity for the market to exhibit some strength.

 You are not getting paid to hold cash anymore. I think if you look at it from that perspective you see an asset allocation switch going on, which is helping this rally.

 You are seeing a little bit of rebound in some of the worst-hit sectors. It's clearly a short-term attempt at trying to find some stabilizing level.

 You can pick you poison today from anywhere. The earnings concern and lack of guidance for 2006 concerns tech players. But the story goes beyond that to energy pricing, which is still a 2005 perspective. Once again, energy is the leading sector. As long as energy prices remain high the market should suffer.

 You can't forget that there are geopolitical tensions in the world ... and the market takes on risk.

 You certainly want to see anything related to manufacturing start to turn up, but it's not giving any indication of solidification,

 You certainly want to see anything related to manufacturing start to turn up, but it's not giving any indication of solidification.

 You continue to have investors weighing strong earnings -- in this case Yahoo! and Intel -- versus the fear of inflation again.

 You do have some impetus today but there's little conviction and little volume, ... I didn't see any specific reason behind the rally - people may be just trying to outguess the outcome (of the Fed meeting).

 You do have some impetus today but there's little conviction and little volume. I didn't see any specific reason behind the rally - people may be just trying to outguess the outcome (of the Fed meeting).

 You had a tremendous amount of fear on the opening. There's so much negative pessimism out there and the fear gets thicker by the hour. Nothing has changed, though. The market was skewed by IBM today, but the market is bigger than any one individual stock and you still have to pick and choose your sectors.

 You have a market on eggshells. The stories that make the rounds are being treated as sell first and then worry about whether they're true.

 You have the correct sectors continuing to lead, which are technology and financials. The Michigan numbers were good today, and oil prices are down,

 You have the correct sectors continuing to lead, which are technology and financials. The Michigan numbers were good today, and oil prices are down.

 You have to be careful. There are not many sectors that are doing well out there. This is a slowing economy. People are looking for security of earnings. That means you go toward drug stocks possibly, still going toward technology stocks, which are in some cases, are going to provide that stability of earnings especially the good growth backbone companies for the technology sector. Avoid cyclical stocks, avoid retail stocks. Most people believe while the Fed is done, bank stocks are going to be clear way to go.

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