16 ordspråk av Brad Stuart

Brad Stuart

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 A lot of us were kept out of the loop, and maybe the process could've been a little more democratic. But whether I was for it or against it, at this point I don't really care.

 It came to the point after that game where we were either going to pack it in and have a miserable couple of months or we could turn it around and have our best. It's a good sign that we chose the tough road of getting back into (the race) and clawing our way back up. We've gotten ourselves into a good position going into the break.

 It's all about the power of touch, which the medical profession is starting to learn has amazing healing properties.

 It's great. He's a big part of this team and obviously he's done great for them over there. I'm sure I'll be rooting for him (today).

 It's not hard to do, it's just hard to do it every day.

 It's the evolution of things. Guys come up and fit in. It's worked well for us.

 Leetch was trying to do a slap pass to me and it kind of got away from him, but sometimes you get those lucky breaks. I knew I hadn't made a kicking motion. The only thing I tried to do was I tried to move my leg and get my stick on it. But I was pretty confident that they would realize that it wasn't a kicking motion.

 Special teams were the difference and we had a lot of chances, especially in the second, to get a lead.

 That organization has always played in-your-face. That's the way they play. They come early and try to get some hits. Whether they're legitimate or not, that's their style. We have to be ready for that.

 That was my second game ever and I'm in the middle of a line brawl.

 They scored 30 seconds into it and we let that affect us more than it should have. That's going to happen sometimes. We've got to have the ability to shake it off. But we made it easy for them to get chances.

 We battled pretty hard five-on-five. We were right with them, maybe even better. We couldn't get going on the power play, even though we did score. We had a lot of chances.

 We did a good job coming out ready to play. A lot of times after a road trip, you see teams come out flat so we did a good job of avoiding that.

 We didn't have any expectations when we came here and just wanted to adjust to the new surroundings. But the last couple of weeks we have settled in on the ice and in the dressing room and our teammates are finding out what we bring as well.

 We had a lot of opportunities in the second to get a lead and build on it, but we weren't able to do that. We have no one to blame but ourselves because we didn't capitalize on their six- straight penalties.

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