10 ordspråk av Jeff Stuart

Jeff Stuart

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 I guess we open up with the big one. It's a tall order, but the girls will be excited about it. We've got to be ready to play, to give it our best effort, to get as many rebounds as we can at both ends of the floor.

 Maybe the fourth time will be the charm.

 That first half, we played well. But you have to put two good halves together.

 The girls fought hard. We just had too many mistakes at the end. You've got to take care of the basketball.

 We didn't get back. They're just that good.

 We just didn't execute. But it's been a great season. It's too bad it had to end with this kind of performance. It would have been nice to be here one more day.

 We just didn't fight nearly as hard in the second half.

 We just have to keep their heads up.

 We kept fighting. The girls never gave up. That shot just didn't go. You can see we are pretty evenly matched.

 We've got a strong nucleus coming back. Now hopefully some of the other young girls can step up.

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