435 ordspråk av Charlie Weis

Charlie Weis

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 They're a fine football team, from top to bottom. From there coaching staff right through all three facets of the game. We are well aware that we're going to have to bring our game to even have a chance of winning the game.

 They're giving him a bunch of money and he's fighting four rounds. It's tough for me to look at a summer job any better than that one. I think he'll do a little better than the rest of our guys this summer.

 They're giving up less than 20 points per game (19.2) and they're scoring more than 50 points a game, ... It doesn't take a math major to figure out that's a 30-point differential.

 They're perky, they're not nervous, which is always a good sign. You're always worried about them getting a little too intense with the magnitude of the game, but they're not. I don't know how that plays out in the game, but I'd rather they be loose than nervous.

 They're starting to figure it out.

 They're starting to get some confidence when it gets close. There's no panicking on the sideline. They kept their composure. Then they pulled away. That's what good teams are capable of doing.

 They're universally considered by anyone in football the critical factors on offense and defense. They're the positions that have the most guys out there that are the easiest ways for you to win and the easiest ways for you to lose.

 They've had the advantage in recruiting because I came in late. Now it's Xs and Os. Let's see who has the advantage now.

 This game is a perfect example. ? If you go out there and play scared, you are going to get your clocks cleaned.

 This is a team, ... When they walked off the field last season, their confidence was rattled. There's nothing better in coaching than having players that are starting to gain some confidence.

 This is a tough place to win. We came in here and walked out with a 'W.' You have to be happy.

 This is going to take a few minutes.

 This is not the end of the season, remember. This is the sixth game of the season. You have to carefully and tactfully decide when to use them. And I toiled over whether to use them or not. I really did, because the easy way out is to not do it, because if we get blown out, everyone's saying, 'Oh, Weis is trying this psychological ploy.' But if you would have seen how fired-up they were when they went in the locker room, I felt that for our players, as much as they were putting into this game, I should give them something in return.

 This is probably going to come down to their offense against our defense because everyone is talking about it being just the opposite.

 This one feels really good, mainly because everyone had this game pegged as an offensive team versus an offensive team. I told our guys that this might be a 10-9 game.

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